Archive for junio, 2012



– How’d you guys break up?

– He broke up with me. But I… I think he might have been right to. He needed more from me. I didn’t see it and he even told me… he told me like fifty times. But I… I didn’t listen and…
I need to grow up. Like right now, you know? Like, right this very second I need to be more than I have ever been. I need to stop making these mistakes I have already made once before. I ned to.. in my head I can do it. I know I can. But, in life, I just don’t.
I need to not be one of those people who just go through life making the same mistakes over and over. Everyone I see in the world… it’s the same mistakes over and over.
Thing is… I love him. I love him so much I can’t even think of a way to properly express it to you. You know? It’s in my skin. I can actually feel it in my skin.
And he hates me now and… I don’t care. His hating me did not affect my feelings for him at all. I love him. I know it. And you know what? I’m going to earn him back. I am. I am going to prove myself worthy of… of his friendship. I am. I am going to do it.

Man… What’s so special about this Peter Parker guy?



Truly truthful..

No quiero ver 2 chicas por la calle y pensar cuál de las dos podría ser la mía. No quiero tener que decidirme por una u otra a la hora de tener que saludar a una chica. I just wish I could simply fall head over heels for one, and be corresponded.

Do we spend too much time looking for «the one» or has it always been in front of us? Is it fair to keep looking or would it be more just to wait for destiny to show its selve?

Ante una pregunta así, ¿cómo habríamos… deberíamos de reaccionar? A mi sólo se me ocurre una postura congruente y, joder, no incluye seguir buscando, pero, ¿qué ocurre con el corazón? La exigencia sigue siendo la misma. El corazón jamás deja de desear, jamás se sacia… y si es asi, ¿por qué creemos que una mujer lo saciará? ¿Acaso son tan sobrenaturales las mujeres que son capaces de saciar todo deseo eterno de felicidad de un hombre?

Ea, again, before such a question, there are only two possible answers. They may appease our heart, or they may not, but in case not, what then? What’s the answer to all our doubts, to all our fears, to all our wishes?

«But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for…». Así culmina U2 su canción. Un llanto al drama de la vida, pero no con pena ni derrota, sino con ansias y deseo de encontrarlo todo, de cumplir. Es enorme el deseo natural e intrínseco del hombre de desearlo todo y desearlo en el instante, como cantaba Freddy Mercury. Lo deseamos todo, y lo deseamos ahora. Deseamos el infinito. No nos basta una mujer para la noche, y ni siquiera para la vida entera. Tampoco nos basta la inmensidad del mundo. Y, ¿cómo algo tan pequeño como nuestro corazón puede desear algo tan grande como el infinito? How is it possible?

And not just that question. Here, now, face to face with our live is where we must check if what we have is enough for us, if out heart’s whish is accomplished. If it isn’t, whats going wrong? Have I seen anyone that lives accomplished? truly acomplished? why? how? This is the job of our lifes. It requires not just work but candor and attachment, attachment to our heart’s wish.

Now, go look for happiness. Stop fooling around and pay attention to yourself. Be truthful, be honest, not just to people, but to yourself.

«I wish the ring hadn’t come to me, I wish non of this had happened.” – Frodo

“So do all who live to see such times… But that is not for them to decide. All you have to do is to decide what to do with the time that is given to you.” – Gandalf